The tripod I used was very cheap, this meant that panning using the movable top made the image blurry. instead of using this I panned manually by picking the tripod up. this made the image smooth whilst keeping the camera stable.
Canon 600D
My video was edited to be in slow motion, up to 100% slower. So the settings I used in terms of frames rates were 50 frames per second. This means the camera samples still images at a much faster rate to create a more smooth flowing video, so when the image is slowed down, it doesn't jump from frame to frame. generally, the conventional camera settings used in a filming situation, whether it be a music video or a film, are 24 frames per second (typical Hollywood film settings) or 25 frames per second (typically used in Europe). The reason these frame rates are used so much is because the human eye sees things at these frame rates. if the frame rates were as high as 500 fps and shot in normal time, the video would look slightly strange as the human eye isn't used to seeing that many frames in real life.
18-55 mm lens
I used this lens for the majority of the shooting because of the stabilization of the video because of the low zoom. this meant that the shots were steady, even when the camera was hand held. also, its easy to keep in focus because of the shallowness of the lens, however the depth of field isn't as pronounced. A disadvantage to this is that you have to hold the camera very close to the thing you're filming.
55-200 mm lens
I used this lens for shots such as filming the burning pile of leaves. this is because of the depth of field it creates as well as being able to film it from far away, which helped prevent the camera from getting burnt. A disadvantage of this lens is that it goes out of focus easily when the camera is moved. Also, its sensitive to movement so filming can look shaken when the camera is handheld; however when using a tripod this is greatly reduced.
The main reasons I used a tripod was for still shots and shots where I needed to use the zoom on the 55-200mm lens. I used the tripod for the larger lens because it's more prone to camera shake and going out of focus when the subject moves. Foe example, when I filmed my artist in the rowing boat on the lake I used this lens and panned the camera using the tripod.