Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Timings of Lyrics

Lyrics to bree tranter- fiery wave

Intro- 0 to 19

19 to 29 hes got these brown eyes that change colour in the sun.
35 to 43 but somedays I cant even find which colour I’m looking at
48.5 to 1 min 23 to deep down, wavey here, wavey like paper, he, stays the same, stays the same. Oh we just have different minds.

1 minute 38.5 to 1 minute 48  Shes got these blue eyes that go deeper than the sea
1 minute 54 to 1 minute 2 minutes 3 But some days he wont even try to swim down and save me.
2 minutes 7.5 to 2 minutes 36 Deep down, fiery here, fiery like paper he, stays the same, stays the same.
 2 minutes 39 seconds to 2 minutes 42 seconds Oh we just have different minds

Ah, ah. Ah, ah

3 minutes 7 seconds to 3 minutes 16 seconds Im a wave im a flame, and I felt you like a crash 

and oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh.

Oh oh etc 

Representation of Main Characters in the Narrative

The two main characters I am thinking of using are a man and a woman in a complicated relationship. However, I don't want to represent the characters in a fully conventional manor, however these are some conventions I DO want to meet, particularly in regards to image.

Conventional aspects of the man

  • Muscular
  • Attractive
  • Dominant 

Such as...

Conventional aspects of the woman

  • Attractive
  • Naive
  • small 
  • Made up (in a modest, old fashioned way) 
Such as...

These are features which I DON'T want to be conventional

Unconventional aspects of the man 

  • Sensitive
  • Mysterious 
  • Disinterested

Unconventional aspects of the woman

  • Un-sexualised (however still appealing to male audiences- not directly provocative)
  • Wearing an old fashioned dress

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Mise en Scene

Locations that I would like to use are;
 abandoned farms

Beaches and Lakes- I don't want to use these locations conventially, I'd like to portray the locations as a slightly dark and isolating places. For the sea, an idea I had, was to use a Go Pro camera (a water resistant camera) to capture the artist sinking from a high angle in her dress (like the scene from pirates of the Caribbean 1 where Elizabeth swan is sinking in the sea after she falls off the cliff).

This is an extract of the film where there are multiple shots of Elizabeth sinking.

I used Google Maps to find Abandoned, industrial areas- these are what I found

Shot Ideas Regarding Lyrics

The main denotations of the song are fire and the sea/water. so, an idea for the opening shot would be for an attractive, young woman dressed in an old style dress with laces (as the artist), to drop a match onto a bunch of fire logs in slow motion, and for it to ignite. (with a flammable liquid over the logs to achieve this). the reason I'd chose to put it in slow motion is so it matches the rhythm of the song.
I'd also use fire throughout the video as a denotation of the lyrics. such as this:

Lip Syncing:
To achieve a slow motion effect whilst lip syncing I would speed up the track to double it's speed whilst the artist is lip syncing so that i can slow it down to half it's speed during editing. this will give the effect that the artist is singing in slow motion whilst still singing at the correct pace of the track.

This is a music video example of slow motion lip syncing

Lyric Analysis of Fiery Wave by Bree Tranter

Lyrics to bree tranter- fiery wave

“hes got these brown eyes that change colour in the sun.
but somedays I can’t even find which colour I’m looking at”
from my interpretation, this line, she is singing about a man who she can't understand, who is mysterious, as if he has a split personality. This builds tension and uncertainty for the listener.
For this reason, an idea that I had was to have a male featuring in the video, and to not show his complete face in any given shot, or to hide the facial features by the use of dim lighting. my aim would be to represent the man as mysterious, or without a real identity, as if he is almost a figure of the artist's imagination.
such as these images:

“deep down, wavey here, wavey like paper, he, stays the same, stays the same. Oh we just have different minds.”
This line is slightly more abstract and strange, however, I interpret this as the man being unstable and/or with a shallow personality. Slightly narcissistic and unsocial.
Also, that she can't relate with him or that he doesn’t express emotions.

“Shes got these blue eyes that go deeper than the sea
But some days he wont even try to swim down and save me.”
Again, showing the narcissistic personality of the man. Denotations of blue eyes and the sea. Singing in second person, as if not singing about her personal relationship, however , being a fly on the wall in someone else's. This may confuse the reader regarding to the lyrics alone, so in the music video I will make it clear that she is singing about herself by her being involved in the narrative (possibly by having some form of contact with the man in the video, such as eye contact or bodily contact)
Also, I plan to use the imagery of the ocean to create a denotation of what's happening. Such as the woman sinking in the ocean. I plan to film this with a water resistant GoPro camera.

“Deep down, fiery here, fiery like paper he, stays the same, stays the same. Oh we just have different minds”
denotations of the sea with “deep”.
Juxtaposition between the sea and fire. This connote and links with the lyrics “oh we just have different minds”
The use of the word "paper" may further  suggest that the man is vacant minded or shallow. 

Ah, ah. Ah, ah

I’m a wave I’m a flame, and I felt you like a crash and oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh.

Oh oh etc 

Monday, 15 September 2014

evaluation questions

How successful was your product?

what did you learn from carrying out this process?

What would you do differently?

what skills do you feel you now have after carrying out this project?